Here are some of my projects. I love tinkering with stuff so for a more complete list, visit my Github
Open Source Contributions
ytID3AutoTag (2022)
JavaJSwing application that downloads YouTube videos as MP3 and automatically tags the ID3 fields throughing inferring the video metadata
Yet Another Lavaplayer Bot (2022)
JavaSelf-hosted JDA Discord music bot that uses Lavaplayer to play music from YouTube, Soundcloud, etc in Discord voice channels
lrc-karaoke-player (2023)
TypescriptA client-side web app that allows the playback of video files synchronzied with both .lrc lyrics and YouTube srv3 styled subtitles
Nijitrack (2023)
PythonPython and Next application that records and collects historical subscriber count for any subset of YouTube channels.
JHolodex (2023)
JavaObject-Oriented Java wrapper for the Holodex API written with Retrofit2. Published on Maven Central
Patchwork Archive (2023)
JavascriptAn archival system to help streamline the preservation of any subset of YouTube videos. Fully featured frontend, backend, and worker system for archival
Moekyun Me Link Shortener (2023)
PythonA self-hosted Flask link shortner template that aims to be a one-click deployment on serverless platforms
IMissVTuber (2023)
TypescriptA boilerplate template application for easily deploying a fansite for any VTuber listed on Holodex
Personal Blog (2023)
AstroMy personal blog where I ramble about various technical topics, projects, and other things that interest me. Written in Astro and uses MDX which combines the ease of markdown with the interactivity of React
Signpost (2024)
TypescriptA KV storage solution designed for hosting plaintext data for whatever purpose you need. Designed to host announcements/data for web aplications
ffxiv-chronowatcher (2024)
RustA Rust library for calculating Eorzean time and predicting future zone forecasts in Final Fantasy XIV. Unittested and published on
Malmstone Calculator (2023)
C#A IMGui Final Fantasy XIV Dalamud Plugin that hooks into the game and tells you how many more PVP matches you have to play to reach your target goal
and also a few smaller tools...